Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Collins_Tamara_Week 3 LMO - CMS Directions with E-learning and Beyond

As corporations and educational institution continue to try and meet the demands of their employees and students the future of content management systems and e-learning take on new directions. Companies and educational institutions are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of tailoring to the needs of the individual. Numerous trends have emerged in the CMS world and continue to evolve.

According to the Learning Management Organization & Systems (LMO, 2010) class on Full sail Online there are six trends currently making its way in e-learning. The trends range from web 2.0 tools to cloud computing to online applications. Each trend is serving a very crucial purpose within educational realms.

A 2005 report by Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) mentioned a study done by the Pew Internet and the American Life Project in 2003. According to the study 70 percent of college students played computer, video, or online games at least once, and 65 percent reported being regular or occasional game players (2005). This leads me to wonder if a high number of students can dedicate such a large amount of time to gaming how incredible would it be to influence students through gaming, but with an educational objective.

After doing a little more research on e-Learning and Personal Learning Environments (PLE’s) I came across an article written by Graham Attwell author of e-learning papers. The article mentioned that the development and support for Personal Learning Environments would entail a radical shift, not only in how we use educational technology, but in the organization and ethos of education. According to the article personal learning environments provide more responsibility and more independence for learners (2007).

There is no doubt that our world is becoming smaller. It can be safely said that many of us have education at our fingertips and companies, government and educational institutions are taking advantage of that. Humans cannot be replaced by technology, but educational technology can reach that child or adult in the most remote corner of the earth.

Attwell, Graham. (2007). Personal learning environments: the future of elearning?
Retrieved August 20, 2010, from

Bonk, C & Dennen, V. (March 2005). Advanced distributive learning. Massive
multiplayer online gaming: A research framework for military training and
education. Retrieved from

Image of fiber optic eye retrieved August 22, 2010, from


  1. Go to the link below to read an interesting post on online learning.

  2. Tamara, thank you for sharing the trend of the leaning system. The conclusion you wrote: "Humans cannot be replaced by technology, but educational technology can reach that child or adult in the most remote corner of the earth." It is so true. Some third world countries have no electricity but they have solar power system computer to learn! Like this one
