Sunday, August 29, 2010

Wk4 Udutu Project - Collins_Tamara

Click here to go to my UDUTU.

I decided to create a writing course for 6th grade students. The UDUTU goes through the six steps of the writing process. You can click on the watermark to make it go away.

I really enjoyed this project because this is something I could truly use in the classroom. This year we have a ton of new teachers whom have never taught before, so I figured with a bit more tweaking I can modify it to make it completely fit our students. The new teachers can get an idea on how we teach the writing process.


  1. Tamara, I love your course. Great job! You give very clear instructions and the graphics are eye catching too. If you can adjust all the voice volume for all the video clips at the same volume will make the course even better.

  2. Thank you Guaysheen... That is definitely something I will do. I really appreciate your feedback.

  3. @ Tamara - The color scheme of the site was very creative in providing a student a warm environment to go to and learn about writing. You provided extensive instruction to writing a paragraph.

    The step by step delivery you provided is very effective for students needing remedial instruction. With some additional feedback, be careful with the volume.

  4. Wow. Awesome project Tamara. I love your setup in the beginning by giving your audience options based on where they want to begin the process. Your course on The Writing Process is very informative and easy to follow. This is a course lesson I would to revisit and really take notes. Awesome information. Great job!

  5. Tamara,

    Great module. I know that you created it for 6th graders, but I could definitely use it for my high school honors course as a referesher module. I really enjoyed all of the shortcuts to remembering the writing process.

    Only improvement I would make would be to edit the sound in garageband to all sound the same. Some audio was louder than others, but overall great job!

  6. Tamara,
    I watched your lesson, unfortunately, there was not a lot of interaction for students to follow. I felt as if the computer was lecturing me. You have a lot of good information for the students to work with. I liked the idea of having the students write along with you, but sine there were no specific directions for the students to stop and write before proceeding on to the next page, I think many will do like I did and just listen to what you said with half a mind.

  7. Tamara,

    This is a great lesson on the writing process. Very well organized and put together. I know that this was geared towards the 6th grade level, but these are concepts that are applicable at any level. The additional links to things like starter words, transitional words, and proofreaders marks are a great asset to have available in the lesson. I really like the idea of color-coding the different parts to see where you may be lacking content in your writing. The end assessment perfectly sums up the lesson with identifying the steps in the writing process. Great work!

  8. Thank you to all for all of your comments. Since I do intend to use this with our students I would most definitely make the changes recommended. Once again thank you.
