Wednesday, August 11, 2010

LMO Week 2 - Comments for John Harvey

“(Added 8-12) I am skeptical of SCORM, because as we discussed last night in our Wimba session, each new generation of technology seems to devour the previous one. How would the model be usable in a newer generation of management systems? How would the content of the RLOs not need to be updated with constantly changing variables (regulations, for example)? A standard for the industry is a great idea, but updates in packaging the content are an inevitability.”


I totally agree with you. I am also skeptical of SCORM. You are correct in asking the question, " How would the model be usable in a newer generation of management systems?" With a society/generation that is constantly evolving is it really possible to keep from changing the RLO's?

I like the way your broke down the information to allow the reader a deeper understanding of the terms. Nice job!

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